Tuesday 19 May 2020

Exp 2


MOHAMMED, A.B, 2020. [online] Jeasonline.org. Available at: <http://www.jeasonline.org/paper/949/preview> [Accessed 7 May 2020]. 
link: http://www.jeasonline.org/paper/949/preview

Evolvingadaptive technologies, allow buildings to become active parts of their environment, breaking the monotony, and spreading the vitality, of interacting with the internal and external through the dynamism of movement. 

The axonometric diagram and sketch perspectives:

Point perspective drawings 

Custom Textures

3 Textures in the Model:


                            Northern building support

                               Lecture Theatre Wall

The Moving Elements

 Vertical Screens 
The moving screens actively morph and transform the streetscape of Anzac Parade, from both the perspective of people within the building and pedestrians outside the building walking down Anzac Parade. They also control the relationship between light and dark within the internal space, bringing in or keeping out external light. 

Skylight Vent

The moving skylight vents help ventilate the main central area of the building, bringing external air into the internal environment. It controls the amount of light that comes through the building’s foyer, changing visitors perspectives of the architecture. 

The Architecture
Sections plans



Lecture Theatre

Office Space

Teaching Space

Uni Gateway


Week 3

Moving louvres

3 Textures

Moving Skylight Vent


Self-directed tutorial

Axonometric Animation

2 Point Perspective

Week 2

 Plans sections

Developing model 

Zaha Hadid, inspiration
